Seeking the Highest Intelligence in the Freest Body...
Life is the root, Art is the flower. Isadora Duncan
Seeking the Highest Intelligence in the Freest Body...
Life is the root, Art is the flower. Isadora Duncan
Isadora Duncan and the Creative Process
Will and energy sometimes prove greater than either genius or talent or temperament.
Movèments, just like harmonies in music, are not invented; they are discovered. Isadora Duncan
Isadora Duncan and the Creative Process
Will and energy sometimes prove greater than either genius or talent or temperament.
Movèments, just like harmonies in music, are not invented; they are discovered. Isadora Duncan
Isadora Duncan created Creative Movement for children over 100 years ago which is used in schools and studios all over the world today.
Isadora used improvisation as the base to create all her famous choreography.
Isadora Duncan Dance utilizes creative movement and improvisation to stimulate creativity, encourage freedom of expression, and as the basis for creating new dances.
"You were once wild here. Don't let them tame you". Isadora Duncan
"You were once wild here. Don't let them tame you". Isadora Duncan
Passion & Creativity Expressed!
Photos- Studio, class, Sondheim Center for Performing Arts, Fairfield Arts and Convention Center
Passion & Creativity Expressed!
Photos- Studio, class, Sondheim Center for Performing Arts, Fairfield Arts and Convention Center